One of the most well-known and revered prophets in Islamic history was Prophet Sulaiman (Solomon), peace be upon him. Several portions of the Quran, including Surah Al-Anbiya (Chapter 21) and Surah An-Naml (Chapter 27), make reference to his story. Here is a thorough summary of Prophet Sulaiman's life:
Sulaiman was the son of Prophet Dawud (David), and he was born in Jerusalem. He
later rose to the throne. Sulaiman succeeded his father as king of Israel after
his death. He was greatly endowed by Allah with intelligence, knowledge, and
understanding, which made him a rare monarch.
Animal Communication: Prophet Sulaiman was endowed with the
unusual ability to comprehend and interact with animals. He is said to have
been able to communicate with birds, ants, and other animals, which greatly
aided him in his duties and chores.
Prophet Sulaiman was also given authority over the jinn, who
were bound to labour for him. He also had control over the wind. He performed
numerous activities that would have been difficult for regular people, such as
building great structures, excavating mines, and other astounding
accomplishments with their help. In addition, he could manipulate the wind,
which made it possible for him to cover large distances quickly.
The Prophet Sulaiman once noticed that the hoopoe, a bird
native to his realm, was missing from the group of birds during a specific
expedition. He was worried by this and asked to know the bird's whereabouts.
The hoopoe informed Sulaiman upon its return that it had found a remote nation
governed by a queen named Bilqis who worshipped the sun rather than Allah.
Meeting with Queen Bilqis: Upon hearing about Queen Bilqis,
Prophet Sulaiman decided to send a letter to her, inviting her to Islam and the
worship of Allah. The hoopoe carried the letter to Bilqis, who was intrigued by
the message. She assembled her advisors and decided to send gifts to Sulaiman,
acknowledging his status as a powerful and righteous ruler.
The Miraculous Arrival of the Throne: Prophet Sulaiman
desired to bring Queen Bilqis's throne to him, as a test of her obedience and
faith. One of the jinn, who had knowledge of such matters, offered to bring the
throne before Sulaiman could even rise from his seat. However, another jinn
claimed that he could bring it within the blink of an eye. But a believer among
them, who possessed true knowledge, said he could bring it even faster.
The jinn who possessed true knowledge brought the throne
instantaneously before Sulaiman. Amazed by this miracle, Sulaiman thanked Allah
for His blessings and mercy. When Queen Bilqis arrived and witnessed her throne
in Sulaiman's court, she was astonished and recognized the truth of Sulaiman's
Sulaiman's Wisdom and Justice: Prophet Sulaiman was known
for his exceptional wisdom and just rulings. There is a famous story where two
women came to him with a child, each claiming to be the mother. Sulaiman
ordered a soldier to bring a sword and suggested cutting the child in half,
giving one half to each woman. Upon hearing this, one woman pleaded to spare
the child's life and to give him to the other woman, revealing herself as the
real mother who cared for the child's well-being.
Sulaiman recognized the true mother's love and compassion
and awarded her custody of the child. This incident showcased Sulaiman's wisdom
and ability to discern the truth.
Final Days and Passing: Prophet Sulaiman reigned for a long
period, during which he established a prosperous and just kingdom. However,
towards the end of his life, some deviations crept into his reign, including
the influence of wealth and power. Nevertheless, he always turned back to Allah
in repentance and sought His forgiveness.
Prophet Sulaiman passed away peacefully, and his death was only
realized when a termite chewed through his staff, causing him to fall and
revealing that he had died. His passing marked the end of an era characterized
by a wise and just ruler.
The story of
Prophet Sulaiman serves as a reminder of the importance of wisdom, justice, and
the worship of Allah alone. His reign and abilities granted to him by Allah
exemplify the limitless power and blessings that can be bestowed upon a servant
of God.
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