
جمعہ، 5 مئی، 2023

Get to know about the family details of Hazrat Adam (AS)


Hazrat Adam (AS) is the first human being created by the Almighty Allah. He is the father of mankind, and the ancestor of all human beings on earth. Let's explore the family details of Hazrat Adam (AS) in this video.


"Assalamualaikum, viewers. In this video, we will dive into the family details of Hazrat Adam (AS), the father of mankind and the first human being created by Allah."


Creation of Prophet Adam

"Hazrat Adam (AS) was created by Allah with clay from the earth. Allah then breathed into Hazrat Adam (AS) the breath of life and he became the first human being."


Marriage of Hazrat Adam (AS)

"Hazrat Adam (AS) got married to Hazrat Hawwa (AS), who was also created from clay. They were the first couple created by Allah, and they had many children."

Children of Hazrat Adam (AS)

"Hazrat Adam (AS) and Hazrat Hawwa (AS) had many children, including Qabil and Habil. Qabil was a farmer, and Habil was a shepherd."

Death of Hazrat Adam (AS)

"Hazrat Adam (AS) lived for 930 years, and then he passed away. He was buried in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. May Allah bless his soul."



"That's all for today's video. We hope you learned something new about the family details of Hazrat Adam (AS), the father of mankind. Stay tuned for more exciting videos. JazakAllah Khair."

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