
جمعرات، 6 اکتوبر، 2022


How to create yourself

Creating your life is hard, but the rewards are worth it, and it’s rewarding in more ways than one. I think this is a lesson that many of us have learnt, even though some may never want to admit it. Some people would say it’s because they love their job and have no time for creating and doing something to make themselves happy; it’s nothing personal, they just don’t get enough motivation. So, we’ll help you do it by giving you all reasons on how to become what you wish to be and then showing you the strategies to achieve it as described below:

1. Motivation 1

You can start from where we started. You should know exactly who you are (or rather) what you want to become and most probably how far is you willing to go. It doesn’t matter if you’re struggling to grow or learn, you still need to know who you are. The last thing that could happen is you find yourself somewhere else. But the first thing you could look at is yourself and figure out where you’ve gone wrong because this is the starting point of anything in life. Acknowledge that you’re not perfect, but know that you want to change and improve and you’ll reach success eventually. Also, if you’re feeling negative towards your future, try not to dwell on your past. Instead, remember the things you did right but let them go if you want to go on improving and being great in whatever you do.

2. Setting Goals 2

If you’re having trouble setting goals then give yourself plenty of time to get them done. We know sometimes goals are difficult to set because they aren’t clear and also because they’re vague. If they aren’t clear, try to break it down with simple examples. For example, instead of writing an essay for school, write about your day and what you did well. Don’t set any huge requirements to succeed because if you try to be too ambitious it’ll come off as impossible. And also, don’t force yourself to do it, just trust your ability to put pen on paper and start drawing your thoughts. That’s all you’re doing! Not only will you feel motivated because you do it without thinking and making any effort, but you can always revisit your progress in another month or so and see how much better you’re able to write than before.

3. Understanding of Your Weaknesses 3

One of the biggest weaknesses in society is finding someone to blame for our mistakes. People can’t realise how badly they let themselves be misled, but they often are the ones who go behind someone or something and make excuses. Therefore, be aware of your own faults but don't let others ruin you for it. Even if people make fun of you, you need to understand yourself, and if you can’t appreciate yourself, you won’t be successful. Remember the quote “It happens to every human being every day” and keep an open mind. One person can believe they’re successful while the other could be struggling for everything. Understand your weakness and use it when necessary. It’s important because otherwise you might be unable to develop yourself further and work harder.

4. Putting in the Effort 4

You have to commit yourself to making changes. It’s the same way you have to do with any goal you set, and you should stick to it. Make sure you’re putting in the good work. Put in enough effort since the reward is worth it. This is also a self-esteem boost and a positive attitude. Always feel like you deserve something and don’t wait for others to come along.

5. Getting More Feedback 5

Once you’ve committed yourself to something, it has to give you the reward. Be patient with yourself and find out what you can improve. Sometimes it takes some time and patience until you discover what you really need to improve. Just make sure you try to keep asking for feedback and getting constructive feedback. When working on your skills you can find yourself surrounded with amazing individuals who might seem different from you. They know what works for them and which techniques work best for them. Use their experience to your advantage. Especially if you’re interested to try new things. Once you find out what you like and what you’d like to do to improve, stick to it, don’t take shortcuts and stay lazy when it comes to your career.

6. Keeping Up With the Joneses 7

Don’t stop following someone else’s steps. Keep up to date by reading books, watching tutorials, reading online and staying connected. Never forget that what’s best about you is your creativity, which means that when everyone says it’s your greatest talent, then you should remember it’s indeed your talent. However, it’s better to keep up with society as a whole by constantly improving. Being a master of something doesn’t mean you need to follow someone else’s style to progress. Think of what will make you valuable and what you can bring to the world.

8. Learning From Others 9

Most likely your life will look very different from ours. Do all possible to become a part of society who has better opportunities than us. Look for people whose lives you want to emulate and copy their habits. Find out what works for them and apply it the right way. There’s no limit to how far you can stretch yourself. Learn from your peers, especially those who believe in what you do and are willing to do it for you regardless. Get inspiration from them. Who knows? You can become like them too. In some cases you might be forced to share what you do with people all the time to gain their admiration and appreciation. This gives you power over them and you can choose your friends for life.

9. Becoming Something Better Than Someone Else 10

You need to know what success is for so that you can define it. Successful people are known for their excellence. In order to live your dreams, you have to want to be like someone else. Take a certain path, do what others would do, follow what society dictates and become something better than someone else. You will soon realize that you’ll start achieving greater results, and it will only bring satisfaction. Asking yourself why you chose this career is pointless because you don’t know what you want to accomplish or what you want to make yourself proud of. The key is choosing what you like to do and trying to do it at least once. Only then only when you reach your destination and success will you acknowledge the journey. All the little details of everything will fall into place, and you’ll finally arrive at your success. You must strive hard and never allow anyone else to stand in front of you.

Conclusion 11

Being successful is a lot harder than you thought it was to begin with. There’s more to it than what you were taught in school in class. But once you’re going through the process you’ll see how much less complicated it is, and once you’re truly satisfied with it you’ll find yourself enjoying it all the way through. At least if you care enough and are willing to work hard you can become successful too!

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